Saturday, February 14, 2009

MEL script for UV editing

I've made 2 MEL scripts for UV editing in Maya 2008.
(Images below are from Maya 2008's UV Texture Editor.)

If you use Maya 2008's command "Move and Sew UV Edges" with individually scaled UV shells, a sewn edge would be resized like this. Sometimes it could be a prolbem.
I've made a script to avoid it. This script scales one of the UV shells then executes "Move and Sew UV Edges".
Go to the MEL script's page

And another script I've made rotates a UV shell of selected 2 UV vertices to snap V like this.
In this script I used "atan" command to get an arc tangent value but I couldn't find any explanations about it in Maya 2008's Help. (If you use "whatIs" command to get an information about "atan", the result will be "Command" though.) I hope there isn't any problem about it.

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