Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fake light bounces (1)

Before going next, I improved the shader. I added fake light bounces to objects in the scene. It's subtle but you can see that the tool box's red color is bleeding around it in the lower image.

Of course you can render a scene with using Final Gathering for making light bounces, but this time I made light maps with Final Gathering before rendering and rendered objects with those maps without Final Gathering. The method is like this.
1)Make each object's light map. "Color mode" in their bake set attributes is "Only global illumination". Make sure "Final Gathering" has been checked in Render Settings.
note: Using Command line renderer for making a lot of light maps is much faster than using Batch Bake command.
2)Tone up the light maps' saturation with Photoshop.
3)Connect the light maps to materials' Incandescence. Actually I've set up some nodes between a light map's file node and Incandescence like this:
Values of multiplyDivede nodes and contrast nodes of all shaders are connected to a controller object in order to change them at the same time.

Friday, February 12, 2010

MEL script

I've made a MEL script which can manage lightlinks in Maya easily.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A garage (16)

I've finished making the garage.
The next I'll make a bathroom.

Monday, February 1, 2010

A garage (15)

I've made a car.
The body's shader tree is like this. I used a cube map for the reflection. Images for that were rendered by a camera which was located in the garage. The camera's "Angle of View" attribute made 90 degree in order to make seamless images.
OK, I've finished making all objects in the garage!